Everyday Spirituality

I do not shed tears all day every day.

It seems so strange…why I do not cry.

The loss is great

The sadness deep inside

There is a kind of comfort in this place.

A space within that knows to Be Still and Know that God is God.

I feel peace and calm inside, but profound sadness.

I am not depressed. I can still laugh and have fun, just sad.

The loss is great

I know she is with me. We spoke about cherishing in our hearts the things that we shared through the years.

I thank God every day for her presence in my life.

Many days I would walk with the heavy knowledge that we were going to lose her. This week I bought a wedding gift for my niece. The box was rather large. Carrying it from gift wrap to the car was a real challenge. I could not get my arms around the box. I had to walk with my arms held out with the box precariously balanced on my forearms. My arms were aching but I could not let the box fall and break its contents. My arms were aching, but I carried this box just as I carried the knowledge of losing my friend. It was so heavy. I would try to distract myself so as not to think about how heavy the “box” was, but I could never put down the box. I could not take the contents out and leave it on the side of the road either. It is hard to see what lies ahead when you are carrying a large box in your arms.

The loss is great

Sometimes I just let people hug me and hold me. Sometimes words are insufficient. And I love words…the way they sound…the way the letters look…the way words come together to make a sentence.

Hugs to me are two hearts touching and silently communicating their care for the other. Hugs can express more than words.

In the Blessed Mother’s suffering and sadness; the soldiers took her son’s tortured body from the cross and laid him in her arms. How she must have longed to hold him close to her and hear his voice one last time. I hope the women with Mary brought her comfort with their hugs.

The loss is great

There is no time table for grief…each person processes their loss differently.

Some people touch our lives only briefly, while others leave a lasting impression and are never forgotten.

(so beautifully written on a card I recently viewed)

I don’t think you overcome the loss of a loved one I believe you absorb this sadness taking it inside of yourself.

The absorbed loss of a loved one transforms you into a more caring compassionate person. Through great sadness you learn to appreciate great love.

May your life be blessed with great love as I have been in mine.

A hug requires no words.

The loss is great


Comments on: "Profound Sadness:The Loss is Great" (6)

  1. What we all carry now … how powerful and moving … the picture of the two ladies … the Faith Twins … sitting on the bench … just wonderful! She is with us everyday …

  2. Linda Hirshberger said:

    I did not see this post until today because my computer modem died five days ago. Just got the new one. I’m glad I gave you a hug on Sunday. God must have been speaking to me since this is what you needed. I am keeping you in my prayers for God’s comfort and healing.

  3. Sending you prayers and blessings… it is not easy. My thought are with you. Eliz

  4. Your words are so commanding and expressive it makes the reader, me, feel the weight of your pain. The strings of my heart are pulled tight wishing there was some action, word or prayer I could say and make everything all right. All I can offer you is lots of hugs. Lots of hugs. (O) (O) (O) (O) {O}

  5. I do understand how you feel and always love reading what you have written because you can put feelings into words. What a gift. I only give the hugs so it is good to know that they are special also. Just so you know, it does get better but it will take quite a while. Once you think you are okay, something will happen and you will cry again. BUT it does get better with more time.

  6. Susan Araas said:

    Thank you for all your beautiful writings over the past couple months…your words have given me much comfort.

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