Everyday Spirituality

Archive for August 5, 2009

Fresh Squeezed Inspiration: Crepe Myrtle Blossoms

As I went out to leave this morning I saw on the hood of my car a sprinkling of tiny pink blossoms. There were also pink blossoms scattered on the driveway. Along the side of our driveway in a narrow strip of grass grow five beautiful Crepe Myrtle trees. They were planted as a gift from our oldest son several years ago. Every year, in spite of the extreme Texas summer heat, these Crepe Myrtles adorn themselves with clusters of tiny brilliant flowers weighing down the branches. They have definitely earned the title of “heat tolerant beauties”.

Did you know Crepe Myrtles are one of the longest blooming trees in existence lasting from 60-120 days? Wow! Imagine how much energy that must take for them to keep blooming for so many months. These trees are described as extremely vigorous and hardy. I am fortunate to have friends who have faith of comparable vigor and hardiness.

Ornamental trees, like the Crepe Myrtle, grow to bring beauty to our world for they do not bear any fruit or nuts, only beautiful flowers. It’s almost as if it is saying, “I’m going to make you love me without bearing fruit.”

Getting into the car I proceeded to back out of the driveway very carefully. I wanted to see just how long I could keep these tiny pink bouquets gracing the hood of my car. Just the sight of them somehow brought me joy. At the same time I am puzzled as to why these petite blossoms fall from their branches while they are still so beautiful and full of color. It is a mystery to me. I would of course selfishly prefer for them to remain on their branches making my yard more attractive. Before I was barely out of the driveway they had succumbed to the movement of the car and silently slipped to the ground like pink snowflakes.

I wonder, do these tiny beauties realize as they drop from their branches that it is the end for them? Do they know that while they may retain their beauty for awhile they are destined to fade, become dry, and blow away? I am reminded beauty can last only for a short time once we have disconnected from our source of life.

Appearances can be so misleading. We can appear to be one thing externally while something altogether differently can be occurring inside. Physical beauty is certainly not the benchmark for the beauty of the soul within. I believe the soul’s beauty comes from God’s gift of grace.

Later this same day; driving along a winding tree lined road something else comes floating down onto the hood of my car. Almost as if I had driven into their path, dry brown leaves silently glance the hood right before my eyes. These leaves once green had been a vital part of the nutrition system of the tree, but now they no longer have a purpose and are released from the branches. They no longer provide shade. They no longer provide a home for the birds and squirrels. What is their message?

They have lost their external beauty, but they have served the tree well for many days. Without their presence the tree would have eventually perished.

Such a contrast between the fragile blossoms and the dry leaves.

Such a contrast between the colorful pink blossoms and the dull brown leaves.

Both released from abundance…abundant flowers and abundant leaves…remain on their life source.

You see I am praying for someone I love tenderly. I will call her Leah. Leah is slowly dying. Oh she appears to be in good health, but inside I suspect is a different picture.

Leah is young, vibrant, and eagerly embracing all that life has to offer her. But inside there seems to be dry brown leaves of fear, anger, and resentment. I suspect this beloved child of God does not realize that she has access to the pink blossoms through THE life giving source. A personal living source to whom she can turn to in good and bad times. A life giving source who is always there for her “until the end of time”. A life giving source who has “called her by name” and “counted every hair on her head”.    A life giving source who loves her beyond measure.

 My prayer for Leah is that the delicate pink blossoms of love and peace replace the dry brown leaves of fear, anger, and resentment that fill her heart. May God’s grace glow warmly within her heart.

Oh, that the Crepe Myrtles could retain their delicate blossoms all year long.

Make it a Lemonade Day! Squeeze out the flavor one drop at a time.

“We can let the circumstances of our lives harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and make us kinder and more open to what scares us. We always have this choice.”                                    Pema Chödrön from The Places That Scare You
